Monday, September 29, 2014

October 1, 2014 MathLete Training Activity

Good Afternoon Mathletes!

Today's training will allow for a deeper understanding of upcoming Standards-Based Instruction math units in both Singapore mathematics and the EngageNY curriculum. Here is a reminder of the leader objectives sent out by Brandon for this Wednesday's training (this session's objective is bolded):
  • Leaders will have a shared understanding of the key components of a strong implementation of our core instructional programs and will be prepared to use implementation checklists to guide aspects of teacher observation and training.
  • Leaders will understand the critical objectives of upcoming units of study.
  • Leaders will revise their school-based professional development calendar with their team members.

Mathlete Training Overview

I. Introduction: Read the Unit Guide Overview that introduces the content of your upcoming math unit (15 minutes)
II. Unit Guide Learning Tasks: These differentiated tasks will allow you to familiarize yourself with the content (knowledge and skills), teacher modeling strategies and sample student work for your grade's upcoming unit (45 minutes)
III. Share Out: Mathematics is vertically integrated! Share your findings with your colleagues by answering these questions: (25 minutes total; approx 5 mins per grade)
  1. What knowledge and skills are required of students, teachers and leaders in this unit?
  2. List three or more specific examples and non-examples of high quality instructional practices that can be observed in the upcoming math unit that you studied.
  3. How will you help prepare your math teacher(s) to implement these best practices?

6th Grade Math Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1: (20 minutes)

Description: Answer the questions to the scenario below in your handout. 

1. Share your findings with your partner and discuss how you would answer John's suggestion as a pair. Write down specific words or phrases that you would use in your answer. 

2. Raise your hand to share your responses with Lincoln and have a discussion.

3. After your check-in with Lincoln check out this video:

7th Grade Math Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1: GeoGebra (15 minutes)

Description: GeoGebra is a free computer program that uses your web browser to manipulate geometric shapes to model math quickly and accurately. Click the link below and raise your hand if there is any trouble accessing the program (you may have to enable Java).

GeoGebra Scale Factor Worksheets:

Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2

Guided Questions:

How could this GeoGebra worksheet on Scale Factor be integrated into Lesson 17?

What connections can be made with the standard equation for proportionality y = kx and the generalizations with the k value of scale factor? For example, if k < 1, k = 1, or k > 1 what occurs?

GeoGebra Proportionality Worksheet:

Worksheet 3

How does the table translate to the points on the graph?

What does the price slider represent in the equation y = kx ?

How can the constant of proportionality be identified in the table? In the graph?

How can the unit rate be identified in the table? In the graph?

4th Grade Math Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1: 10 minutes

Description: Watch the introduction to bar modeling from "Molding Minds".  The teacher is engaging and does a great job of providing an introduction to the basics of bar modeling, even modeling how to solve a few different types of problems using bar models.  Two notes here: 

  • The presenter only focuses on one type of bar modeling - drawing the bars "stacked" horizontally.  Singapore Primary Mathematics typically uses bar models in this way but there is another model where the bars are laid down in a row like this that scholars will see in Primary Math...remember that scholars should be flexible in using and recognizing both models: 
  • From 5:32 to 7:12 the presenter shows some rules and discusses how to use key words, this is not representative of how we want kids to approach problems as we want them to choose strategies that work for them rather than following rules for problem solving.  Please don't take this as gospel :) The rest of the video is worth watching though!


Response Packet - Hard Copy

Intro Video - Linked Here

5th Grade Math Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1: minutes

Description: Evaluate a few assessment items that are associated with NF standards in 5th grade (like the one below).  Scholars are expected to perform operations on fractions with fractions, fractions with mixed numbers and whole numbers with fractions.  Look at the assessment items presented in your response packet and work to see if you can find an abstract and pictorial way to solve the problem.

  • Deb has a board that measures 5 feet in length. How many -foot-long pieces can Deb
             cut from the board?


Response Packet - Hard Copy

Output (In your response packet): 

1. Respond to a couple of reflection questions in your response packet about the implications for teaching and learning.

8th Grade Math Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1: 10 minutes

Description: Watch the videos on proving congruence through Basic Rigid Motions. While watching the videos, pay particular attention to math vocabulary words, tools and concepts that were displayed. Capture all of the vocabulary words in the word bank catcher in your guided notes handout.


Geometric Translations (Length 3:07)
Proving Congruence through Basic Rigid Motions (Length 2:35)

1. Create a vocabulary list of words, phrases, skills and concepts that teachers should be using in this unit.

3rd Grade Math Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1: 5 minutes

Description:  Read and mark up the unit 2 and unit 3 overviews from the Singapore teacher's guide to set the context for what scholars will need to know, understand and do as part of the unit.

Learning Activity 2: 10 minutes

Description: In the coming weeks and months in 3rd grade, bar modeling figures heavily into curriculum.  It is a model for finding the sum and difference in unit 2 and is quickly introduced in unit 3 as a strategy for visualizing multiplication and division scenarios. Please Watch the introduction to bar modeling from "Molding Minds" (linked below).  The teacher is engaging and does a great job of providing an introduction to the basics of bar modeling, even modeling how to solve a few different types of problems using bar models.  Two notes here: