Monday, September 29, 2014

October 1, 2014 MathLete Training Activity

Good Afternoon Mathletes!

Today's training will allow for a deeper understanding of upcoming Standards-Based Instruction math units in both Singapore mathematics and the EngageNY curriculum. Here is a reminder of the leader objectives sent out by Brandon for this Wednesday's training (this session's objective is bolded):
  • Leaders will have a shared understanding of the key components of a strong implementation of our core instructional programs and will be prepared to use implementation checklists to guide aspects of teacher observation and training.
  • Leaders will understand the critical objectives of upcoming units of study.
  • Leaders will revise their school-based professional development calendar with their team members.

Mathlete Training Overview

I. Introduction: Read the Unit Guide Overview that introduces the content of your upcoming math unit (15 minutes)
II. Unit Guide Learning Tasks: These differentiated tasks will allow you to familiarize yourself with the content (knowledge and skills), teacher modeling strategies and sample student work for your grade's upcoming unit (45 minutes)
III. Share Out: Mathematics is vertically integrated! Share your findings with your colleagues by answering these questions: (25 minutes total; approx 5 mins per grade)
  1. What knowledge and skills are required of students, teachers and leaders in this unit?
  2. List three or more specific examples and non-examples of high quality instructional practices that can be observed in the upcoming math unit that you studied.
  3. How will you help prepare your math teacher(s) to implement these best practices?

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