Monday, September 29, 2014

3rd Grade Math Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1: 5 minutes

Description:  Read and mark up the unit 2 and unit 3 overviews from the Singapore teacher's guide to set the context for what scholars will need to know, understand and do as part of the unit.

Learning Activity 2: 10 minutes

Description: In the coming weeks and months in 3rd grade, bar modeling figures heavily into curriculum.  It is a model for finding the sum and difference in unit 2 and is quickly introduced in unit 3 as a strategy for visualizing multiplication and division scenarios. Please Watch the introduction to bar modeling from "Molding Minds" (linked below).  The teacher is engaging and does a great job of providing an introduction to the basics of bar modeling, even modeling how to solve a few different types of problems using bar models.  Two notes here: 

  • The presenter only focuses on one type of bar modeling - drawing the bars "stacked" horizontally.  Singapore Primary Mathematics typically uses bar models in this way but there is another model where the bars are laid down in a row like this that scholars will see in Primary Math...remember that scholars should be flexible in using and recognizing both models: 
  • From 5:32 to 7:12 the presenter shows some rules and discusses how to use key words, this is not representative of how we want kids to approach problems as we want them to choose strategies that work for them rather than following rules for problem solving.  Please don't take this as "gospel" :) The rest of the video is worth watching though!


Response Packet - Hard Copy

Intro Video - Linked Here: 

Output (In your response packet): 

1. Respond to a couple of reflection questions in your response packet about the implications for teaching and learning.

Learning Activity 3: 20 minutes

Description: As mentioned in the previous video, the importance of practice before bar modeling in front of scholars is essential. Watch the video linked below to practice.  Stop at the time stamps below and practice bar modeling in your packet.  Keep track of how you will support professional growth in this area.  After you are done solving the problem using a bar model, watch the video to see how yours compares with the model used in the video. 

Materials: -

Response Packet - Hard Copy

Bar Modeling Problems Video - Linked Here:

1st Stop: Stop at 0:21

2nd Stop: Stop at 3:09

If you are feeling ambitious you can sneak ahead and do some multiplication bar modeling which will come up in unit 3 (see below).  If you want to practice, you can find more videos from Thinking Blocks on You tube.

1st Stop: Stop at 0:25

2nd Stop: Stop at 2:46

3rd Stop: Stop at 5:05

Output (In your response packet): 

1. Respond to a couple of reflection questions in your response packet about the implications for teaching and learning, specifically about differentiation.

2. Use bar models to solve each problem in the packet.  Don't erase if you did it differently than the video, if your strategy helped you visualize the problem and is a workable strategy, then it worked! 

Learning Activity 4: 20 minutes

Description: This next activity will place the skill of bar modeling as a tool for problem solving within the context of the Common Core Standards and the assessment items that demand scholars to visualize word problems or raw number problems.  Please follow these steps to learn more about how the standards associated with this unit and how they are assessed on the NYS assessment.

  1. Solve the given problem in your response packet in two ways - once using bar modeling and once using your own strategy.
  2. Answer the associated questions in the response packet.
  3. Look at the associated annotated multiple choice items from the NYS assessment in this link.
  4. Answer the associated questions  in the response packet.
  5. Look at how scholars are graded on their responses on the NYS assessment.
  6. Write down the implications of this in both the short and long term.


1. Problem from 3rd Grade Math 2014 NYS CCSS aligned assessment - in your response packet.
2. Segments from released items from the 2014 NYS assessment.


1. Insights from the rigor of the associated assessment items are collected in your response packet.

Learning Activity 5: 5 minutes

Reflect and Action Plan (in your reponse packet):

1. How do you expect bar modeling to show up outside of Singapore?
2. What challenges do you anticipate with bar modeling for teachers?  For students?
3. What can you do to prepare your teachers for bar modeling and for the level of rigor in the questions you previewed?
4. Follow the meme below:

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