Monday, September 29, 2014

8th Grade Math Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1: 10 minutes

Description: Watch the videos on proving congruence through Basic Rigid Motions. While watching the videos, pay particular attention to math vocabulary words, tools and concepts that were displayed. Capture all of the vocabulary words in the word bank catcher in your guided notes handout.


Geometric Translations (Length 3:07)
Proving Congruence through Basic Rigid Motions (Length 2:35)

1. Create a vocabulary list of words, phrases, skills and concepts that teachers should be using in this unit.

Learning Activity 2: 15 minutes

Description: GeoGebra is a free computer program that uses your web browser to manipulate geometric shapes to model math quickly and accurately. Click the link below and raise your hand if there is any trouble accessing the program (you may have to enable Java).

GeoGebra Worksheet: Basic Rigid Motions


1. Use the software to horizontally translate the shape  +5 (click the button on the horizontal slider and slide to the right 5). Look at the coordinates in the lower right corner. What happens to the coordinates of the shape?

2. Reset the shape back to the starting position. Use the software to vertically translate the shape +5 (slide the triangle up 5). Look at the coordinates in the lower right corner. What happens to the coordinates of the shape now?


1. Reset the shape back to the starting position.What happens to the coordinates of the shape when the shape is rotated 180 degrees?


1. Reset the shape back to the starting position.What happens to the coordinates of the shape when the triangle is reflected over the Y-Axis?

2. Reset the shape back to the starting position. happens to the coordinates of the shape when the triangle is reflected over the X-Axis?

Sequence of Transformations:

1. How can this GeoGebra worksheet be used to model a sequence of rigid movements on the coordinate plane?

Reflect and Action Plan:

1. How will this software benefits scholar conceptual understanding of congruence?

2. What are some potential pitfalls to using this technology?

3. How will you support your teacher to ensure scholars grasp the content using this modeling software?

Learning Activity 3: 10 minutes

Description: This Learning Activity allows you to see how scholars can use manipulatives to make sense of basic rigid motions at their desks. Translations (slides), rotations (turns) and reflections (flips) can all be copied using transparency paper. However, there are A LOT of directions for scholars to follow to make this process work. Your task is to write a list of directions that summarizes how to use the materials listed below as a mini-lesson that introduces the manipulative to scholars for a rotation. 

Materials: Transparency sheets, 2 fine-tipped Expo markers (different colors), protractor, sample worksheet
Performing a Rotation using Tracing Paper (Length 2:54)


1. Create the directions for a mini-lesson with the steps needed to guide scholars in using trasparency sheets to rotate a shape 90 degrees.

Learning Activity 4: 10 minutes

Description: Review the 8th grade benchmark items. 

Materials: Sample student assessment questions (hand out)

Reflect and Action Plan:

1. What knowledge, skills and concepts must scholars have mastered in order to be exemplary on the exam?
2. What tools will help scholars achieve these goals?
3. What can you do to prepare your teacher so that these questions can be mastered?

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